If you thought the May Room was just for blood drives, think again.

The Pride Network and Sigma Delta Tau Sorority will be hosting their second drag show this year on Friday, April 5th, at 8 p.m. in the May Room of Wilson Commons.

“The show will have special events and occurrences you’ll tell your grandchildren about,” junior and social chair of the Pride Network Nasser Al-Qatami said.

The show will feature Rochester queens Aggy Dune, Ambrosia Salad, Lexxus and Pandora Boxx.

In addition, special guest Aysha Black will be coming from Buffalo.

Several of the queens will provide celebrity impersonations, including Aysha Black’s Li’l Kim and Whitney Houston impressions and Aggy Dune’s Cher. Pandora Boxx will be performing her Madonna impersonation.

The Drag Show is being presented as part of the Gaypril celebrations at the university to commemorate Gay Pride Month.

Look for additional Gaypril events in the coming weeks.

Tickets to the Drag Show are $3 for undergraduates, $5 for graduate students, and $8 for the general public, and are available at the Common Market and at the door.

Smith can be reached at ksmith@campustimes.org.

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