At the start of this year, a new feature was added to our campus. This was a DVD library, based out of the Multimedia Center. The $4,000 for this project came from two sources ? the library contributed half, and the rest came from the Students’ Association. After operating for only a short time, we have seen this project become an incredible success. While the Multimedia Center DVD collection totals approximately 260 titles, at any given time there may only be 40 to 60 available because so many are being taken out.

Due to the incredible popularity of this service, on Monday, Oct. 7, the Students’ Association government decided to allocate $12,000 toward expanding this collection. This will bring our total number of DVDs to almost 1,000 titles, and provide this campus with a DVD library for everyone to enjoy. This free DVD library is something that sets our campus apart from others and something we can be proud of. If you would like to submit DVD titles for purchase, email your choices to The new titles will be arriving later in the semester.To see a list of the collection, go to, and click on Videos/DVDs on the right side.

Another project on which student government has been working is Wednesday night food donations. Every Wednesday from 8:00 p.m. to midnight, there is a table at the front of the Pit where people can donate food to feed the needy.

This allows students to use their remaining blocks or extra declining to help someone in need. During these first four weeks, students have donated over $1,250 in food and beverages, and we are looking forward to many more weeks that are as successful. We are also trying to make this a campus-wide philanthropy by having different student organizations sponsor the program every week. So, if your organization is interested in getting involved, please get in touch with me.

This food donation project and the DVD library and are just two example of what student government is supposed to do. We are here to improve the lives of students. To work toward making this a better campus. In short, the SA government is here for all of us.

The Students’ Association government can and should work toward helping students, and the first step is to open ourselves to you.

So, please feel free to contact myself, or your senator with your problems and concerns. I welcome your comments on dining, parking, printing, security and anything else, my door is always open. I am in the SA office in Wilson Commons, the Ruth Merrill Center, room 101G, Monday through Friday from 2 to 3:00 p.m. I look forward to hearing from you.

Mallach is can be reached at

Recorded lectures should be available to all students

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