The beginning of the school year signals the opening of a new chapter. A chapter of infinite possibilities, new challenges and amazing discoveries. New ideas will emerge, complimenting or supplanting the old ones. Situations will arise to test the character and strength of the individual, as well as their faith and will to preserve.

Bearing this in mind, it is very important for the individual to strive for excellence in everyday life. That is, to strive to be the best that they can be. It is a lifetime journey travelled long after school. A journey that will require time, patience, and responsibility. A journey that will require a lot of sacrifices and trials and tribulations. A journey that will not always guarantee instant or spontaneous success but constant, ever-evolving, everlasting success to the persistent.

Since all human beings have a purpose on this earth, it is up to them to discover, hone, and manifest it, for the good of self, family, and the common good.

?Jermaine Jackson

Students look their best after Meliora Weekend hair styling event

This event was a product of ClipDart, a nonprofit created by UR alumnus Kyle Parker that offers free, on-site hair care for individuals who might lack access to the service.

People are going to remember, and it’s all right

I stick to my belief that people do remember, and maybe sometimes, it is that deep. Some people do remember when you make that mistake.

MAG plans to hold college night to increase student engagement

Smith has been working with the MAG since the summer to plan an event for college students throughout the Rochester area to visit the museum and participate in activities curated for students to enjoy.