On the one-year anniversary of September 11, students had a particularly good reason to be proud not only of their country, but of their school as well.

Jeremy Glick, UR alumnus and former president of Alpha Delta Phi, was one of the passengers responsible for taking down United Airlines Flight 93 in rural Pennsylvania, preventing it from hitting its intended target in Washington, D.C.

This Friday, the Frat Quad will be hosting a benefit concert for the scholarship fund set up in Glick’s name. Admission will be free, but donations to the Jeremy Glick Memorial Scholarship Fund will be accepted in cash or check form.

“We wanted to recognize the Jeremy Glick foundation in a fun way,” said senior Dan Quinn, of the Dan Quinn Band, the headliner for the concert.

“This is a good way for people to come out and show their American pride and just hear some great music.”

The concert, which is being sponsored by Delta Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Delta Phi, will take place outside on the quad from 9 p.m. to midnight, under the flag.

It will kick off with Herb Sylvester’s playing of the national anthem on his electric guitar, followed by a set by a combined group of members from the bands Dictators and Fools and Ablaze.

The Dan Quinn Band will then play from around 10 p.m. to midnight. The Fraternity Quad will be dry for the duration of the concert.

The Jeremy Glick Memorial Scholarship Fund was set up to honor Glick’s commitment to the fraternity experience. It provides financial assistance to members of fraternities and sororities.

Kelly Smith can be reached at ksmith@campustimes.org.

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