While we are here on campus, the world still goes on. Right now, we, as a nation, are contemplating bombing Iraq. We might enter into open conflict with another nation.

Our government, led by George W. Bush, worked to give Iraq a deadline to let U.N. weapons inspectors in. Hussein has recently agreed to said demands, yet our government plans to use force nonetheless.

Whether or not you agree with this course of action, far too many Americans are content to just let these decisions be made by the government.

We need to pay attention to the rest of the world. It is not enough to sit back and watch “The Sopranos” while our leaders decide which nations will be bombarded with weapons.

Far too many Americans have no idea what changed since Desert Storm that makes this a pressing time to put our feet down.

Even fewer can understand why, after they have capitulated to our demands, we would still consider the use of force.

Our point is not to suggest one way of thinking about this issue over another, but merely to beg the question, “How can we not know?”

Why is it feasible for us to go about our daily lives, on the brink of armed conflict, not even wondering at the motivations for what is going on.

It is time for us to pick up books and newspapers, watch the news, and find out what is really going on. We should not sit by and let these decisions get made for us, because we cannot just sit back and trust the government to make these decisions.

If we allow these decisions to be made for us, then we lose our right to complain about what decisions have been made, and take on the responsibility of allowing those things to happen.

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