Just so you know, 535 Fraternity Road is not just an empty building. The house in the corner of the Fraternity Quad that sits in between Sigma Chi and Psi Upsilon has not always been vacant. Although the house may be unoccupied, it continues to be a house that is full. It is full with years of traditions, stories of good times gone by, hopes for the future and, most of all, friendships that have lasted through it all. Sigma Alpha Mu was founded in 1909 at the College of the City of New York and has now expanded internationally to over 70 colleges in the United States and Canada. The fraternity has been a part of life here on the River Campus since 1957. In 1966, the chapter built its house on the Fraternity Quad and resided in it for 37 years. The events of the past semester have forced the chapter to live in Anderson Tower for the year, but there is no doubt that our house will always be home.People say that change occurs over time, and I am certainly not one to argue with this theory. However, what has occurred within the SAM brotherhood has been a relatively quick transformation in principles. SAM has come to understand that a mutual partnership with not only other chapters but with the college itself can be beneficial to its members as well as the campus community as a whole. The contributions that SAM has made and will be making to the UR in the future are examples of the transformation that has taken place.Since the beginning of the year, SAM has participated in and planned a variety of events. There have been the biweekly community service projects with the Red Cross that the chapter has done on its own. In two weeks the group is sponsoring Susan O. Smith from the Department of Neurosurgery at Strong Memorial Hospital to give a talk explaining neurological surgery to students considering a career in medicine. In terms of co-sponsorship, SAM has collaborated with different chapters and student organizations, especially during the course of Greek Week. With the help of Kappa Delta sorority and the Peer Health Advocacy Group, an anti-tobacco presentation is being held on Nov. 16. The next night SAM will co-sponsor an anti-hazing speaker, Dave Westol, with Sigma Chi. Lastly, with the help of SAM, senior member Ray Hutchison has raised almost $1,000 for his Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, D.C., with all of the money going to the Syracuse Children’s Hospital. Although not fully complete, this is a rsum that surely rivals many other student groups on campus. Yet more importantly for the chapter and the rest of the campus community, it is a resum that looks much different from past years. The role that SAM plays in the life of the college has been redefined. Although it has not been a smooth ride, a very real and genuine transformation has begun. Many lessons have been learned by our fraternity throughout this process, yet there is one which all students can relate. After losing the house for my senior year of college, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the old saying you all have heard so many times is true – there really is no place like home. For years, 535 Fraternity Road has housed the chapter, and with the help of many faculty, staff, administrators, and other Greek organizations SAM hopes that next year the SAM house will become home once again. Braveman is the chairman of the Fraternity Presidents’ Council and the vice president of SAM and can be reached at abraveman@campustimes.org.

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