When it comes to the Midnight Ramblers, I am a self-proclaimed groupie. I’ve sat in the front row for their shows. I followed them around dorm storming when I was a freshman. And, yes, I even know the background vocals to most of their songs. It’s actually bordering on pathetic. But there is reason behind my obsession. They are a talented group of guys – talent that has only seemed to grow in the past year or so. And they truly shine in live performances. Their shows feature humor, skits and usually some top-notch dancing focused around a central theme. On Oct. 23 in Strong Auditorium, the Ramblers will perform Decision 2004, during which they promise to deliver. “This fall’s show will parody the current presidential election,” Ramblers director and senior Dan Israel said. “A handful of fictitious candidates will announce their candidacy. From this, debates will arise, commercials will air and standard political bullshit will ensue.”The Ramblers’ songs come from a variety of different artists, stretching from Tenacious D to Tom Jones. Much of their set list pulls from popular artists such as Guster, Ben Folds, Weezer and Phish, in addition to other past crowd favorites.”‘I Believe in a Thing Called Love” by British rockers The Darkness and ‘Tribute’ by Tenacious D – both sung by sophomore Matt Roe – have continued to be well-received. Our ‘Nickelodeon Medley’ with a new surprise ending is also loads of fun,” Israel said. The group is strong this year, with 15 members, including three new freshmen – Josh Hatcher, Bob Sanborn and Eastman School of Music student Lawrence Wallace. “Our three new guys are outstanding,” Israel said. “Josh, Bobby and Lawrence have all made an immediate impact on the group.” “Josh will be making his solo debut on one of our new songs, ‘Anthem of our Dying Day.’ Also, Lawrence looks like Napoleon Dynamite, so be sure to check that out,” he continued. “We’re also excited to have senior Bryan Pennington back in our lineup after he spent all of last year abroad in Germany,” senior Tom Kraus said. “And we’ve added five new songs that we’ll be premiering on Saturday.”Whether you have never seen the Ramblers perform before, or have been at all of their shows for the past three years, be sure to check out Decision 2004 on Saturday. All of their performances in the past have promised to be money well spent. And face it – they’re totally dreamy. The Midnight Ramblers will perform their fall show, Decision 2004, Saturday night in Strong Auditorium. Tickets are available at the Common Market for $5 or at the door. Mittelman can be reached atdmittelman@campustimes.org.

Flirting with your hiring managers

If you’d allow me the pleasure of gracing the hallowed halls of your esteemed company, it would endear me greatly.

Conversations can’t happen in empty rooms. Join us.

It can be uncomfortable and deeply frustrating to hear people say things about these sensitive topics that feel inaccurate, unacceptable, and sometimes hurtful.

Students’ Association passes resolution on administration’s response to “wanted” posters, demands charges dropped

On Monday evenings, the Gowen Room is usually nearly empty aside from the senators at the weekly Students’ Association Senate meeting. But on Nov. 18, nearly every seat was filled.