Educational institutions like the University are facing new barriers under the Trump administration, including threats to research funding such as the halt of all federal grants.

Though the move was subsequently blocked by federal district court judges, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced in February a 15% cap on indirect cost reimbursements — directly impacting research institutions like UR, who rely on NIH grant funding for a significant portion of the research conducted on campus. In response, UR entered a lawsuit with 12 other universities, claiming the cuts are too drastic.

Yet the seemingly erratic nature of recent executive orders and their uncertain legality give universities little to work with when acclimating to the climate the new administration has established.

“We don’t have a lot of information,” Brenna Rybak, assistant director of business for UR’s biology department, said. “We’re all kind of waiting on pins and needles just like everybody else.”

A cap on indirect costs

The memo released by the NIH stated that “it is accordingly vital to ensure that as many funds as possible go towards direct scientific research costs rather than administrative overhead.”

According to a University statement from Feb. 12, the costs impacted by the 15% cap include the construction and maintenance of laboratories, staff, research equipment, insurance costs, and other operational expenses. The cap, they claim, would cost the University $40 million annually.

Rybak explains that most, if not all research in the Biology department is supported through federal grant funding — whether it be through the NIH or National Science Foundation.

“I think the big question for the faculty and the department is if we suddenly have no funding, how does everybody get paid? How does work continue to happen?” Rybak asked. “You know I mean it even boils down to if you need to order a pipette, that’s put on a grant. It’s not only people’s salary, but it’s also [asking] how does the research itself actually move forward?”

The University has maintained a rate of approximately 50% of funding going towards indirect costs. According to the Office of Research Accounting and Costing Standards, that rate was adjusted from 54% to 51% just one day before cuts were announced.

“The implications to the University of Rochester and the region would have profound impacts on healthcare, faculty recruitment, workforce development, and clinical trials,” read a statement prepared in response to general policy changes. “Research at the University fuels the regional economy which would negatively impact the local and regional economy.”

The response

While the University is engaged in its lawsuit, it remains steadfast in its general response to the changes — announcing a team of working groups tasked with evaluating the implications of recent executive orders and developing strategies to continue successful operations, including financial modeling to estimate the impact and response the cuts will have on research capabilities.

“We want to be clear that at this early stage, we are not asking programs or units to alter their programs or the descriptions of their programs. However, if legal obligations require us to adapt or make changes, we will keep you informed,” the University wrote in a Feb. 26 statement. “Our initial step is to gain a comprehensive and robust understanding of our operations, ensuring that we are prepared to respond effectively and clearly to our new environment.”

Rybak confirmed the Biology department is continuing regular operations the best way they can.

“We’re trying to just keep doing what we were doing,” she explained. “We have not stopped recruiting, we’re still recruiting grad students, and we’re still recruiting faculty. […] As a department, we try our best to be as positive as we can be. Because there’s really no sense really freaking out until you have information.”

Until there is certainty, the University remains committed to preparing faculty and students for whatever changes come — no matter how drastic they may appear.

“We are stewards of an incredible institution and legacy. Our University has thrived for 175 years, overcoming numerous challenges,” the February statement continues. “We are confident that we will face each challenge today with our values-centered commitment to our mission of making the world ever better.”

UR mom

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Dye notes that “the science is kind of the easy part, in a way,” because the multidimensional nature of health renders the social and cultural determinants as the most difficult to encapsulate when designing policies and programs.