Getting a job has become nearly impossible. The employment world has become like a game that’s time-gated, but instead of time, it’s work experience and instead of being fun, it fills you with dread and hopelessness. Now, even to be born, babies have started to need at least five years of working experience, and working at Wendy’s now requires a PhD in Communications. After all, if you didn’t start life with 20 years of experience in knitting already, then did you even start your life correctly? 

Without proper training in the employment world, it could be like fighting the final boss with a level one character: It only goes well if you know how to play the game. So, I’m here to give you quick tips on how to properly apply for jobs.

For starters, you want to be as nice and polite as possible to your future employer. You want to make sure you ask them questions like “How are the kids doing?” and “I’m so sorry to hear about your wife this past weekend. Times must be very difficult for you.” However, you also can’t forget to flatter them with “Wow! You look good today! It must be because of that fresh cut you got this morning!” These lines can ensure your success in getting that job. 

You also have to make sure that all you talk about is you. You’re trying to get the job, so you gotta let them know your entire backstory. Make sure to start at the very beginning of your life about how you were born at a very young age already with 20 years of experience in the customer service industry, and because of that, you were born crying (an effective communication skill you’d already mastered). 

Bring them a gift. You have to make sure that your employer (to-be) knows you care for them. Bring them some roses (make sure they’re red and you bring a dozen of them). This action can really strengthen the relationship you have and will continue to have with your employer. 

If you’re not confident in how you did when applying for the job, then just assuming that you got it is an extremely crucial step. Just show up to work the next day. This shows your employer that you care about this job and are committed. With that, there’s no way your employer won’t be hiring you.

That’s all for the quick tips to being hired. As long as you employ these tactics, you can ensure you’ll always land that job. 

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