From books containing modern interpretations of cuisines like “As Cooked on TikTok” and Snoop Dogg’s “From Crook to Cook,” to traditional cuisine like “Vegetarian India” and “The Joy of Japanese Cooking,” this newly available little cookbook library in Douglass Dining Hall has it all. 

Located next to the Wok station lies a new Free Library established by Dining Services that is accessible during dining hall hours. Similar to the new little library offered by the English Department, students are encouraged to take out as many books as they want as long as they return them. 

“The goal of the library is to be a collaborative and self-sustaining space where students can go back to time and time again for new and fun meal ideas they can make at home,” Guest Experience Manager Adrienne Owens said.

The library contains mainly donations from dining hall chefs and books from the Amazon “used books” section which adds to the Dining Service’s commitment to “sustainability.”

If you’re all set on books, pick out one of the new bookmarks offered at the library. The Harvest Table “Pause” Program created bookmarks that would “serve as a reminder for students to pause in their day and take a moment for their personal well-being,” Owens explained. 

In the future, students will have the opportunity to submit their own designs for a chance to be featured as guest artists on the bookmarks. But for now, take a break from your afternoon bite and check out the new little cookbook library!

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