We at the Campus Times want to thank you for taking the time to read this Special Edition of the paper centered on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the ongoing war in Gaza, and its impacts on our University community.

We put this together with a dual aim. On the one hand, we wanted to assemble students’ opinions to advance the current discourse on campus and to serve as a historical snapshot of this moment. On the other hand, we also wanted to empower students to speak. It is the official opinion of the CT that the speech-chilling effects of the widespread concerns about doxxing and retribution against people who talk openly about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are deplorable.

Free and open discourse is the bedrock of a vibrant society, and we hope this edition helped some students and community members feel empowered to speak their minds with confidence, no matter their opinion. If you didn’t get a chance to submit a piece about Israel-Palestine to this special edition, then fear not. We will absolutely be accepting opinion articles about the topic moving into the future, and we will absolutely continue to cover related news as well.

This Special Edition features one news article; the rest of the pieces are in our Opinions section, which you can reach by clicking the “Opinions” tab at the top of the website.

Given the sensitivity of this topic, we assembled this edition with a lot of care, but we are students too. We ask you to proceed through these articles and Letters to the Editor with charity for both the decisions we’ve made and the opinions of others. We hope most of all that you encounter something in this paper that you’ve never thought about before.

If you have any corrections at all, please email them to ct_editor@u.rochester.edu. If you want to comment on anything you read, we vigorously encourage you to do so. Reach out to ct_opinions@u.rochester.edu with a Letter to the Editor or a proposal for an Opinions article of your own, and we can help you get your thoughts published.

With love,
Campus Times management

Editor’s Note: The print edition of this note was adapted for online readers.

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