If you’re like me and like finding ways to make your life harder than it already is, you might be thinking about overloading next semester. Per the University’s new policy starting Spring 2023, students may enroll in up to 19.99 credits, but why do the bare minimum? Lucky for you, if you’re still on the fence, take the short and simple quiz below. Beware, however, that personal results may vary depending on your current mental, emotional, and physical state. So, refrain from taking this quiz after completely acing — or bombing— the three midterms you had last week, because overconfidence is usually a recipe for disaster and underestimating your ability to suffer would be such a waste when there’s so much academic misery ahead.

  1. Do you attend lecture?

A. Yes, because how could I miss out on the most fascinating aspect of collegiate life?

B. I do attend. It’s fun if you actually understand what’s going on. It’s also nice to see my friends in lecture (assuming they actually go).

C. I go sometimes, but it’s not the end of the world if I skip a couple here and there. (Organic Chemistry Tutor is my real professor anyways.)

D. No, attending lecture is for nerds. I’d rather pay $60k to teach myself physics (smh).

       2. Do you enjoy studying?

A. Yes, studying is my life’s purpose! I also have nothing better to do *blows kiss*.

B. Studying is alright, I guess. I grind it out and hope for the best.

C. No, I’m not a psychopath, but I’m also not a genius. I do what I have to, but nothing more.

D. No, and I don’t study. I rely on my natural intelligence and photographic memory, or I just fail and I’m okay with that.

       3. Do you usually take the weekends off?

A. Never! Weekends are perfect for juggling my cancer therapy research, managing my three jobs, working out, and getting ahead on studying for the upcoming week.

B. I rarely leave campus except for my monthly grocery run. It’s so sad but true.

C. I have to take at least one day off to stay sane, otherwise I’d seriously have no life. Why live your life fulfilling the expectations of others?

D. YOLO. Why is this even a question?

       4. It’s midnight, and you have a paper due at 6 a.m. that counts for 25% of your grade, and for some reason you haven’t started. What do you do?

A. Trick question. I’d never be in this situation because I would have finished it three weeks ago.

B. I’d pull my once-in-a-while all-nighter because how could I not, but still try to get a couple hours of sleep.

C. I’ll write what I can, but call it quits after an hour or so because sleep is more important.

D. I’d give up in the name of health and happiness. Grades are just a social construct anyways.

       5. Lastly, do you have friends/a social life?

A. If my laptop, iPad, and three-foot stack of biology notes count, then yes.

B. Yes, but I don’t really need to see them too often when I’m busy. They’re used to me disappearing for weeks on end.

C. Yes, and I need human interaction (even if it’s occasional) to stay sane.

D. Grades are temporary; friendships are forever.


If you answered mostly “A,” overloading is for you. You’re way beyond up for the challenge, and overloading will probably be a breeze.

If you chose mostly “B,” overloading might be for you too — you also might not have a choice, anyways — with a caveat. Just make sure to not accidentally turn into the robots that those who answered “A” are.

If you got mostly “C,” you probably shouldn’t because of quality of life reasons, but then again, maybe you just took this quiz at the wrong time. Take it when you’re feeling better, and you’ll get the right answer.

If you answered “D” most of the time, you probably took this quiz as a joke so don’t even bother with overloading. It’s not worth the hype.

All that said, remember overloading is never something you should be pressured into by friends but only forced into by your own excessively lofty academic expectations. And if you do decide to overload, make sure you brag about it to as many people as possible, because why else would it be worth it?

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