Hello! I’m Riley.

I’m here to provide you with an anonymous, judgment-free space to ask any questions that you, for whatever reason, might be hesitant to ask others in person. My hope is to be able to offer you some honest advice. However, if I can’t come up with anything useful, then I’ll try my hardest to find other information and resources.

Everyone needs help from time to time. Yet, not everyone has someone they can turn to for guidance. What I’d like is for people to feel heard and understood. I want them to know that there are other people out there who may be just as confused as they are. Even if you don’t choose to submit a question, someone else’s question just might be similar to one you have and may shed light on your own situation.

At the bottom of this article is a link to an anonymous Google Form to submit your questions if you’re interested in doing so. None of your personal information, including your email, will be collected.  I’m planning on submitting articles for this column either once a month or bi-weekly at first, depending on how many questions I receive. So, be on the lookout for more articles!

I’m looking forward to answering your questions!

Link to the question submission form:



Tagged: advice

Time unfortunately still a circle

Ever since the invention of the wheel, humanity’s been blessed with one terrible curse: the realization that all things are, in fact, cyclical.

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