Fans of the popular illness SARS-Coronavirus Disease 2019 will be excited to hear of the upcoming Omicron update from our South Africa and (secretly) European studio(s)! For gamers patiently awaiting the next features to come to a city near them, here’s what we’ve got in store in the upcoming months.


  • Decreased the vaccination “grace period” wherein no infections may occur from: 1 year down to 6 months for premium vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), and down to 2 months for common vaccines (Jansen)
  • Fixed bug in Superspreader Events where virus was not spread nearly as effectively as expected. Players will be happy to know that maskless events are now just as dangerous as before!
  • Working towards breaking down the “travel ban” glitch which previously blocked cross-platform play. Soon, all your favorite variants will be able to mix, mingle, and interact across all continents.


  • The Omicron update is our most infectious yet! Our team has concluded that the new variant is twice as contagious as our last update, Delta, back in mid-2021!
  • Vaccine resistance: For players choosing the new Omicron gamemode, vaccine resistance is greatly increased. Inexperienced players will rejoice at their newfound power and ease of transmission.

Other Notes and New Content

  • Production Team’s note: We are aware that a gameplay bug known as “masking and social distancing” is currently greatly reducing infectivity. We’re trying our best to solve the problem but as long as communities continue to wear masks inside and social distance, this will be an ongoing infectivity reducer. We are sorry.
  • The Thank You Essential Workers limited-time event has finally ended. The event had a good run, but we here at Covid Studios know that our players need something new. That’s why we will soon be rolling out the Automate Essential Workers promotion where players can decide to replace those who got us through the pandemic with more easily-ignored robots!

And as always, thank you. Without our players, we at Covid Studios would be nothing. Through these uncertain and unprecedented times, it is you, the players, who have given us the reason to go on. The Omicron update is expected to roll out in the next few months starting in South Africa, Norway, and greater Europe with possible future rollout to the United States and the rest of the world.

Happy disease-ing,

Covid Studios

Tagged: covid Omicron

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