We get it. It’s cold in Rochester.

It snows here more than in the majority of the U.S. and we see the sun once a month. But why do we complain?

Each and every one of us knew what we were getting into by attending UR. We might not have known the extent to which the weather would affect us, but we had to have done some research beforehand. Even if we didn’t, we all know it’s cold in the North.

We put ourselves up to this. We decided that out of the options given to us, UR was the best one.

Maybe there is a bigger picture issue that we are not seeing. Is it that Rochester shouldn’t be cold, or that people shouldn’t come to the University? No — that’s not it.

Oh, I know! It’s that we, as a society, complain about literally everything.

I’m not saying that I never partake in this act, but it is a problem. We choose to focus on what we dislike, instead of what we like. We choose to prioritize the misfortunes while ignoring all the privileges and good fortune we receive.

It happens with the most insignificant things. “Ugh, my bagel from Connections wasn’t crispy enough,” or “that was the worst bus ride ever. The driver played classic rock the entire way to College Town.”  On top of that, we spend ample time complaining about things completely within our power to change. Take a bad grade — complaining will not raise it. Instead, use all that energy that would be channeled into complaining about your problem, and turn it toward studying more, or seeking help from one of the many academic resources around you.

As college students, we have a bright future ahead of us. We come from varying levels of wealth, privilege, and opportunity, yet we are all on the same campus, taking the same classes. The majority of us have little to complain about. We’re at a tier-one research university where we can pursue almost any of our academic or career goals. We each have the opportunity to do our best and consequently reap the benefits from our successes.

Why am I writing this? Because I think I’m some saint who never complains and is better than everyone? No. Because I want people to think about their actions and look into their bad habits? Well, a little, but no. Because I think that Rochester weather sucks? Kind of.

To be completely honest, I just want to hear people complain about how I’m complaining about them complaining. That will give me the reason I need to complain.

URMC provides opioid overdose prevention training

Naloxone displaces the opioid from the brain receptors, which stops the effects of the overdose for sixty to ninety minutes. This allows time for a hospital to intervene. 

What’s next for South Korea?

If South Korea is to remain a free and stable democracy, it cannot have one party unjustifiably impeaching government officials and the other imposing martial law.

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