Though Women’s Basketball is off to a 1–4 start, junior forward Ally Forness has been an important starter. Forness leads the team in field goal percentage.

How did you get interested in basketball?

I’ve been interested in basketball since I was in about first grade. My dad and some of his friends decided to put together a clinic called “Little Hoopers,” and I wasn’t technically old enough to be in the clinic yet, but my dad would let me join in, and I absolutely loved it and have loved it ever since.

What do you enjoy most about basketball at UR?

The best part of basketball here at UR is hands down the girls I’m on the team with. We spend a lot of time together on the court and even more off, which makes me feel so lucky since many of my teammates are the most amazing people I know. We work hard and basketball is not an easy sport, so being on such a supportive team makes every day worth it.

How have you grown as an athlete over the course of your collegiate career?

When I came in as a first-year on the team, I was a new post player joining a solid group of four experienced post players who were all juniors, so needless to say I took a bit of a back seat to All-American Al Leslie and practical All-American Lauren Deming for my first two years. This year is entirely different since I am now the most experienced post player with quite a few first-years, and we’re all learning together. The experience I gained from going against such strong people before has definitely developed me into a much better athlete than I was when I first stepped foot in the Palestra.

What are your expectations for the basketball team this season?

I think we’re going to have a surprising season this year and are going to do very well. Many people see this year as a rebuilding year, and we have had a bit of a rocky start, but I think once we gain some more experience and really learn how to play together, we are going to do some damage.

How do you balance academics and athletics?

I am constantly looking ahead and trying to keep my schedule organized, just to make sure I know when my exams and big assignments are due versus when my games and traveling are. Luckily, professors here are very cooperative with student athletes as far as making up classes or exams if they conflict with major sporting events.

Who has had the greatest impact on your athletic career, and why?

My parents have had the greatest impact on my athletic career because of their nonstop support. At least one of them has made it to all but two of my collegiate games, including conference games we play once a year in places like Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, etc. They also have been my personal rebounders whenever I ask and are constantly asking me if there is anything they can do to help me in my training. While doing all this, they never put too much pressure on me since they know I already do that to myself, which I am always thankful for.

Who is your favorite professional athlete, and why?

My favorite professional athlete is Candace Parker because, well, for one, she is a professional female basketball player who plays post and can dunk, but she also had a baby very early in her career and came back from that no problem and still has many years left to play. I always have so much admiration for female athletes who are able to do that.

What is your spirit animal?

My spirit animal is definitely a dog!

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