Sophomore Allie DeRubertis leads Women’s Volleyball in points, kills, and total attacks. As outside hitter for the ‘Jackets, she has helped the team to a strong 23–9 record so far.

How did you get interested in volleyball?

At first it was just something to do with friends and stay busy but as the level of play got better I started to really love the sport itself.

What do you enjoy most about volleyball at UR?

The team. They are definitely more like family than friends. It makes everything else easier having them and knowing I can rely on any one of them for help with school or anything else.

How have you grown as an athlete over the course of your collegiate career?

Well this is only my second year so still plenty of room for growth, but I would say I’ve become more confident in my role on the team since I began playing here.

What has been the highlight of your volleyball career at UR?

There are too many good memories to choose just one, but every year we do music videos by class year and this year, us sophomores really made quite a memorable routine.

How do you balance academics and athletics?

I schedule study breaks and set times for just taking a nap or watching TV so at other times I can focus on doing work and studying.

Who has had the greatest impact on your athletic career, and why?

My parents. I wouldn’t have been able to get where I am now without the support of my parents. Also, if my mom hadn’t kept me busy in grade school by playing sports I never would have discovered volleyball and wouldn’t be enjoying the life I’m living today.

Who is your favorite professional athlete, and why?

Not going to lie, I don’t like to watch sports, I’d rather be playing them. As a result, I don’t have one favorite athlete but I do enjoy watching Olympic beach volleyball.

If you could be any movie character, who would you choose to be and why?

Violet from “The Incredibles” because she can be invisible. I could make some really convincing ghost movies.

‘Well-informed’ opinion once again submitted without any sources

In a society full of rampant misinformation and blatantly biased news sources, the Campus Times is proud to work with extremely well-researched opinion articles that are submitted without any references to sources.

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