As the UR Community gears up for networking, discussions, and fun this Meliora Weekend, first-year students — who will be experiencing it for the first time — have expressed a blend of emotions.

Many first-years, like Jason Kahn, view Mel Weekend as an opportunity to see family they haven’t seen since August.

“It’s definitely an excuse for my parents to come visit me,” Kahn said.

Derek Skala agreed he was most excited to see his parents, but he also looked forward to playing music during the weekend’s festivities.

Other first-years were not as enthusiastic as their classmates or were indifferent altogether about Mel Weekend.

Liam Geyer didn’t share the enthusiasm of his classmates, but was happy that his parents were coming to visit. He also echoed Skala in his excitement to play music in a jazz concert.

Lauryn Wilson shared an indifferent level of excitement for the weekend but wished her parents would be making the trip to Rochester “because this weekend would bring [them] closer together as a family.”

Moreover, a large number of first-years were uncertain of what to expect for the weekend.

Olivia Gay admitted she was “really excited to see family” but she was “not really sure what to expect from the events.”

“It seems very tightly scheduled,” Gay said. “I don’t know if that’s a bad thing but it’s definitely oriented to draw a lot of people to the school.”

Tessa Shlonsky was also uncertain about Meliora Weekend, but was still excited for whatever it would bring.

“It seems like a day of festivities and so many people I talk to have families coming,” Shlonsky said. “A lot of the community is excited so it’s just a happy time for all.”

But some first-years, like Matt Boundy, seemed clueless about the weekend.

“I don’t even know what’s going on for Meliora Weekend,” Boundy said. “Go Tigers?”

While there are a blend of emotions in anticipation of their first Mel Weekend, many agreed this weekend will be remembered.

“It’s really symbolic because [UR] believes these type of weekends bring us together,” Josh Lemberg said. “Sometimes we’re weakened by the weekend but this weekend we won’t be weakened.”

Tagged: Meliora Weekend

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