In 2014 we were still free. The evening sky had fangs, but we ran all around College Town picking up the rotten corpses that lay mangled in curious ways. Something was about to die soon.

Sampling is a form of expression that offers so much promise for the future of music. Vaporwave is also very cool. So many talented producers work hard at their craft to put out great albums that might never be discovered. SoundCloud is a great place to discover new music.

In 2017 everything died. SoundCloud is basically the worst. I mostly skip to the :45-second mark of a song and if I’m not stimulated before I hear it I go to the next song. Postmodern fonts used to be edgy but now they’re how we stay afloat. I made three good music videos on my YouTube channel before art died. Vaporwave will never be the same. There is no way any sound can produce enough feeling to be of any consequence to anyone because we are over it all before it happens.

I still have to make this bed. I miss cannabis. I am much happier now that I am without cannabis. Symptoms persist for two weeks. Every column is a one or a two. Any song that does not stimulate me into a post-nirvana state before it starts has no purpose. I guess I’ll listen to nightcore. Yay, nightcore! This is going to be the best day of my life.

Nightcore is the best music that ever existed. Nightcore is a music genre that you can find on SoundCloud. Nightcore is when you take a pop song and speed it up so it sounds like a chipmunk. Nightcore is the only thing that means anything anymore.

My favorite place to find nightcore is the channel “Nite Corp” on SoundCloud. They have over 20 mixes from edgy nightcore artists including DJ Wipeout, Underdog, and Skinny McToothpick. As soon as I turn on any of these nightcore mixes I enter into a post-nirvana state. A post nirvana-state is when you don’t feel anything because it’s all happening at once. It’s like scrolling through Facebook so fast that everything is a blur, but it tastes better. When I enter into a post-nirvana state from listening to nightcore music, I usually have my head leaning against a wall.

There’s a great nightcore playlist on SoundCloud called “Nest HQ’s guide to Nightcore.” The track “HEARTSKIP” I would say is a nightcore “classic” although I really have no idea if that is a true statement.


Bridging the Orgasm Gap with Professor Estrada

For those who aren’t aware, the orgasm gap is the rate of difference between the frequency of women’s orgasms compared to that of men’s orgasms during a sexual encounter, typically associated with heteronormative relationships.

UHS introduces new cancellation and no-show policy

UHS recently introduced a $25 “no-show” fee for students that didn't cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours in advance of their appointments.

Students’ Association condemns University’s handling of ‘wanted’ poster case

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