Senior midfielder Jamie Wallisch of UR Women’s Lacrosse has 18 goals and six assists in the first six games of the season. She leads the team in both goals and assists and has started every game for the Yellowjackets.

When did you decide you would play lacrosse in college? What is your earliest memory of the sport?

I wanted to play lacrosse in college starting in the beginning of high school. I was on a travel lacrosse team starting in sixth grade, and we would play throughout the entire year in front of college coaches. It wasn’t until I was around 15 when I truly believed I could have the opportunity to play for the coaches that were watching me from the sidelines. I also was completely in love with the sport and couldn’t imagine my life without it. My earliest memory of the sport was Christmas in sixth grade when my mom got me a lacrosse stick. I showed up at tryouts and all the coaches looked at me and chuckled. They came up to me and said I had to use one of their sticks because I was holding a men’s lacrosse stick. The rest is history.

Who is someone who you have looked up to during your lacrosse career and why did you do so?

I have always looked up to teammates that I’ve played with throughout the years. It is so inspiring to watch people you know and care about play well. It has always made me want to be better and fight to be the best teammate possible. Taylor Cummings was an incredible player at the University of Maryland that graduated last year and, to me, was the definition of an overall skilled player. She was all over the field, impacting every play and showing leadership in simply playing her best. After every time I watched her play, I went out and played wall ball because I wanted to be better.

What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your lacrosse career? How did the experience shape the kind of player you are today?

The greatest challenge I’ve experienced is losing two state championships in a row in high school, as well as our season last year. It is so challenging for a team to work so hard toward a certain point and want to achieve something great, but have those goals fall flat. It is disheartening and makes you dig deep so you don’t become discouraged.

As a senior and main contributor on your team, in what ways do you lead your teammates?

With my teammates, it is such a give-and-take in terms of leadership. They inspire me to play the best I can and I try my best to lead by example. If we are down, it is about keeping the energy high and stay positive. It’s important for me to show I believe in my teammates and our abilities to play our best, so no matter what, lead through encouragement and understanding.

Do you have any pre-game rituals?

My pre-game rituals including lots of dancing and singing with my teammates. I also always need to take some time by myself before we leave the locker room to focus and collect my thoughts. It’s also important for me to have my entire uniform be the exact same every game or I feel it will inhibit how I play.

What will you miss most about being a student athlete at UR?

At UR, I’ll miss going to class everyday to learn what I thoroughly enjoy. More importantly, I’ll miss the people and the connections I’ve created here.

What is your dream vacation spot and why?

My dream vacation right now is Vietnam. It seems so beautiful and unique. I have never been to that part of the world so I would love to experience it for myself.


Tagged: LAX

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