Janifer had a standout performance on Saturday, pitching a seven-inning shutout .The senior struck out five batters, allowing just three hits and one walk. Janifer was later named named UAA Pitcher of the week. On Sunday, Ghyzel recorded 12 strikeouts, and allowed just five hits and one run for the RPI Engineers. Ghzel’s was one strikeout shy of tying the UR record for most strikeouts recorded in a single game.

“John and Evan have both put in a ton of time this off season, getting better every day. Whether it be in the weight room or at practice, both guys have not only improved their game, but pushed others to get better as well. Both were part of a team that had a disappointing finish last year, and I think that has fueled their drive this year.”

—Assistant coach Brian Bezek


What would you consider to be the most important factors to the success of your team?

JG: The success of our team depends solely on our mentality when we show up to field. Physically, we can compete with anyone. Mentally, we need to focus.

EJ: I think the most important factor has to be everyone believing that we can be successful. That means believing in yourself when you get out there, but also trusting and believing that the guy next to you is going to get the job done.


What worked well for your team against RPI?

JG: Our defense played very well against RPI. Even when our pitchers gave up hard-hit balls, our defense made plays and kept us in the game. Offensively, when we chased the RPI starters from the game, our bats hammered the RPI bullpen. 

EJ: In our success against RPI, our pitching was stellar. Great pitching and timely hitting have and will be the keys to success for our team.


What are your goals, moving forward, for the season?

JG: Our goal is the same as always: win the Liberty League and compete in the regional tournament.

EJ: I like to take it one day at a time, so, right now, the goal is to beat St. John Fisher in our next game. More long-term would be to ultimately bring home a Liberty League Championship and move onto the NCAA tournament.

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UHS introduces new cancellation and no-show policy

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