Riverview: a place where you are living off campus, but can still enjoy the convienience of a declining plan. Another great amenity that I should mention is the bathroom. I would say that I spend more time in the bathroom than I do in my bedroom. Sure, it’s nice having a bed to sleep in, but when you have a beanbag chair in your bathroom, which would you choose? Everything from working on homework to eating to sleeping can be achieved in the comfort of a Riverview bathroom.  My desk chair is my toilet, my desk is my lap, my bed is a combination of my bean bag chair and rug, and my shower and sink still remain my shower and sink.

Recently, I have been dealing with a problem that has disrupted my happy place, my good-feels abode, my bathroom. My toilet was broken. At first, I threw random things in the toilet and tried to flush them down. I just wanted to rule out if the toilet was biased toward certain things. This wasn’t the problem because the toilet was fine when it came to flushing, but failed to fill up water at its usual rate. It would also make a weird sound that could best be described as a Prius in park. When I’m in bed, trying to fall asleep after using the bathroom, I would think that there was a Prius parked in my bathroom, realizing shortly after that there couldn’t be a Prius  for two reasons. One, I don’t have a parking permit, and two, I don’t have a garage attached to my bathroom. Although, that would be a nice installment.

I figured at this point there was no other way to fix the broken toilet. However, it dawned on me that there are, in fact, alternatives. How about opening up the back of the toilet, where all the working parts are? Hey, that’s not a bad idea at all. After lifting the heavier-than-I-had-perceived lid off the top of the toilet, I soon realized that I had my work cut out for me. Inside was an elaborate and puzzling series of rods, screws, rubber and metals. Confused by the whole situation, I figured that I would use trial and error to remedy my problem.

I saw that there wasn’t a ton of water in the tank. This was the first step in solving the problem. I grabbed my second-favorite mug, filled it up with water and started to pour it slowly into the tank. The black bobber thing started to  rise with the water level. The Prius sounds subsided and I was finally at peace.  I could finally go to bed.

Chiodo is a member of the class of 2017.

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