Freshman Camila Garca and  senior Christine Ho are doubles partners on the women’s tennis team.  

This past weekend, the duo defeated both SUNY Geneseo and St. Lawrence University at the St. Lawrence University Canton Classic, helping UR to claim three out of four flight titles at the tournament. During her time at UR, Ho has been the first singles consolation winner at the New York State championships and has reached the semifinals of the second singles bracket in states.




1. How did you get your start in tennis?

I started playing tennis when I was about six or seven years old. I was testing out different sports each year and usually stayed with a sport for about one year, but tennis has remained ever since. Tennis was an after school program, and I decided to join the club team at my school.

2. What is it like adjusting to a new partner?

Adjusting to a new partner in doubles can be hard, especially when they have very different habits from yours. However, my new partner this year, Christine Ho, was a perfect match because we both enjoy coming up to the net, placing our serves and overall have very similar styles of play. The hardest thing to adjust to is communication on and off the court because communication will be the deciding factor on tricky points.

3. What’s your favorite part about playing doubles?

My favorite part about playing doubles is the net play. I love the rush of a fast-paced point and the pressure you put on your opponent when you are lying right on top of the net.

4. Would you rather go camping with Bill Nye or Steve Irwin? Why?

I would rather go camping with Steve Irwin because he would know exactly what to do if we were in any life-threatening situation. Even though I love Bill Nye, his intelligence would not be as effective physically as the skills that Steve possesses with the wild.


1. What inspired you to play tennis?

I was inspired to play tennis at a really young age. My mom and uncle really inspired me to play. When I was young, I would watch them hit for fun, and I would be the one wanting hit the tennis ball. At the age of four, I liked picking up the tennis ball and trying to hit it as hard as I could. Watching my family play really sparked an interest for me to get involved in the sport.

2. What characteristics make a good doubles partner?

In order to be successful and work well with your doubles partner, you need to be able to communicate well. Communication is a key to creating a great team because if you can communicate well, then there won’t be any discrepancies between who gets what ball. Also, an enthusiastic and energetic person makes a good partner. Your partner can help motivate you and boost your spirits when you’re down.

3. How do you hope to improve your game this year?

Since this unfortunately is my last year on the team, I’m looking to improve my singles game by being more consistent. I think by working on my consistency, it will help me in both singles and doubles.

4. Would you rather go camping with Bill Nye or Steve Irwin? Why?

I would want to go camping with Bill Nye. I think it would be cool to hear all the scientific facts that can be brought up during a camping trip. I’d get to learn more about nature while being entertained.

Douglas is a member of the class of 2017.

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