1. On Saturday, Feb. 21 at 2:11 a.m., Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers were advised by a visitor that her coat and personal belongings had been taken while she attended an event in Douglass Dining Center. The visitor left her coat unattended while at the event. As the visitor described her coat, a DPS supervisor remembered seeing a coat matching her description earlier in the night while he was interacting with a student. Officers contacted that student and found that she was still in possession of the coat. Officers responded and located the coat. The visitor confirmed that it was her coat and that all of her belongings were still in it. The visitor declined to prosecute the student for taking the coat.


Unaffiliated man using laptop in Quiet Study Area


2. On Feb. 21 at 6:37 a.m., a DPS officer on patrol observed a male in Gleason Library who “did not appear to belong.” The male was observed sitting in the Quiet Study Area using a laptop computer. The officers approached the male and determined he had no affiliation to the University.  The male provided identification and stated that he came in to stay warm and use the internet. The male was advised that the area was for affiliated persons only. The male was cooperative, gathered up his things and left the property without incident.


Unaffiliated man standing in aisle of dark Eastman Theatre


3. On Feb. 21 at 9:35 a.m., DPS officers were notified about a male in the Eastman Theatre who “did not appear to belong.” The officers entered the theatre and found the male standing in the aisle of the dark theatre. An officer asked the male to step out of the theatre and he complied. The officers found the male had no affiliation to the University and he stated he was cutting through the theatre because of the cold temperatures outside. The male had some food items in his possession that were for an event going on in the area. The male stated that a female employee told him he could take the food. The employee could not be located to verify this. It was determined the male had no legitimate reason to be on the property. He was given a ban form to stay off the property and escorted out without incident.

Lai is a member of

the class of 2018.

Information provided by

UR Public Safety.

The DeLorme Report: Twenty-two

It's not only healthcare coverage that is an issue within the veteran community. Education, food assistance, job security, mental health counseling, and help integrating into civilian life are all vital in aiding our veterans.

Michael Che’s Winterfest set welcomes lackluster comedy and announces his exit from SNL

Perhaps the most notable takeaway from this is Michael Che’s statement that he may be leaving SNL. What he intends to do afterward is unknown, but I’d urge him to reconsider if he’s looking to pivot back to stand-up.

Congestion Pricing: Not as good as it seems

Congestion pricing is a promising idea, and I have no problems with it in and of itself, but the MTA should  have expanded its service and responded to its underlying safety issues before pushing people into its system.