2. On Sept. 18, 2014 at 3:13pm, DPS officers responded to a report of a suspicious female inside the bookstore. Staff advised that the female had also been acting suspiciously in the Med Center store the day before. When officers entered the bookstore, the female headed for the exit doors. Officers approached the female, identified themselves, and asked for her ID. The female gave a name, stating that she did not have any ID, was not a student, and was not affiliated with the University at all. When asked why she was here, she stated that she was shopping for school supplies. Officers noticed that the female appeared very nervous. At one point, the female attempted to walk past  the officers and exit the building. Officers detained her and tried to determine the female’s real name. She was taken to DPS Headquarters for further follow-up. The female did give her real name at that point, and her ID was confirmed. She was informed that she was not welcome on UR property and was given a ban form. The female left the property without further incident.

Kadir is a member of

 the class of 2017.

Information provided by 

UR Public Safety.

CT Wrapped: Top music of 2024

You listened, you voted, and the results are in!

The ‘wanted’ posters at the University of Rochester are unambiguously antisemitic. Here’s why.

As an educator who is deeply committed to fostering an open, inclusive environment and is alarmed by the steep rise in antisemitic crimes across this country and university campuses, I feel obligated to explain why this poster campaign is clearly an expression of antisemitism

On the Students’ Association resolution

This SA resolution is simply another way to follow the masses by expressing their dismay for Israel and standing in solidarity with the radical Palestinian people.