1. On Sept. 9, 2014 at 1:59pm, the bookstore staff alerted Public Safety to a suspicious male in the building. The workers recognized this male from a flier distributed from other college campuses alleging he had stolen items from their stores. The male was seen looking at new textbooks at which point the staff contacted Public Safety. When he realized he was being watched, the man left quickly before officers could arrive. Once on scene, the officers could not locate the man, but the bookstore workers assured that they would contact again if the man is seen.

The sky is falling! Oh wait, it was actually a glass bottle.

2. On Sept. 11, 2014 at 10:02pm, Public Safety responded to the fourth floor of Monro due to loud noise and a bottle being thrown off the balcony.  After determining which suite was creating the disturbance, officers made contact with the occupants. One occupant, an undergraduate, admitted to throwing a bottle off the balcony. The students were very compliant and respectful to the officers, so the officers simply advised them to keep the noise down for the night and stop throwing objects off the balcony. All occupants agreed, and the officers cleared from the area. There was no damage done by the broken bottle.

Suspicious man looking for a job

3. On Sept. 12, 2014 at 11:13 am, a suspicious man was reported on the fourth floor of Hutchison Hall. The male approached a staff member in her office and stated he was looking for a job. According to the staff member, the man was not very clean and emitted an odor. The man was then moved to the reception area while the staff member contacted her supervisor.  The supervisor came out and spoke to the man for several minutes and explained the hiring process. The male left the building without any incident. Staff reported the incident later simply to document the encounter.


Johnson is a member of the class of 2016.

Information provided by UR Public Safety.

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