I am an adult, but only barely. I’m old enough to have sex and make responsible decisions, but let’s be real: I can’t be trusted to take a pill every day at the same time. I can’t even be trusted to be awake at a set time every day.

As one could imagine, that became a problem when it came to birth control. And condoms? I’m a huge fan, but it’s nice to have an in-case-of-emergency backup. What’s the perfect solution to this ever-so-common college conundrum?

The IUD!

IUD stands for intrauterine device. No, it won’t make your uterus explode, or give you problems with the TSA, or pose any sort of imminent danger. IUD’s are actually the most popular form of reversible birth control in the world. That said, lots of us here in the U.S. haven’t hopped on the train yet.

The train is great, and here’s why:

The IUD comes in two forms – copper and hormonal.

Copper is usually better for women who have given birth before, and since most of us college girls don’t fall into that category, there’s no need to include explicit details.

The hormonal option is the perfect option for our demographic.

It is a little, T-shaped piece of plastic that is inserted into the uterus. Once it is inserted, it won’t bother you – it can hang out for as long as five years.

Because it is way up in your uterus, it won’t even get in the way during sexy time, which of course is the entire point.

That’s right, for five years you’re good to go! However, it should be kept in mind that an IUD will give you no protection from STD’s. Condoms are still a must-have for new or untested partners. Be wary!

When you get an IUD, life will continue  relatively unchanged; so much so, in fact, that you’ll likely forget about it for most of the time.

What will likely change, however, are your periods.

For girls our age who haven’t given birth before, a huge majority will lose their period in twelve months after inserting an IUD. That’s right; life doesn’t have to stop once a month when the red tide comes in. No more pads and tampons, just happiness and white pants!

While losing your period sounds great, it can pose a problem for some.

For the nervous type, your monthly period serves as a bold, flashing sign reminding you, “Hey! You’re still not pregnant!” If you think you may constantly worry about being pregnant without that reminder, there’s likely a better birth control option for you.

That said, should you get an IUD, the likelihood of pregnancy is very slim, as it is one of the most effective forms of reversible birth control available, even more so than the pill. Its success isn’t determined by your ability to take a pill every day or keep condoms available, but by its own ability to work with your system.

In short, look into the IUD.

Set up an appointment at UHS, talk about it with your doctor, and if it’s for you, go ahead and get one!

UHS has all the resources you need, and your insurance will likely make it an affordable (if not free) option.

Of course, finding the right birth control option for you is the most important thing.

With so many viable options of birth control out there, the best thing to do is scope out all of your choices and pick whichever one is right for you.

You are your best advocate, so get educated!

Armstrong is a member of the class of 2016.

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