1) What is your major?


I am a financial economics major with a business and history minor.



2) Why did you choose UR?

I chose U of R because I liked the way it felt like such a small close community, but was still a university. I wanted a balance between a very small liberal arts school and a large state school and Rochester was the perfect fit.



3) What’s your favorite part about being on the team?


Definitely the girls on the team. They are some of my best friends on campus and I know that they are the girls who will always have my back.



4) What is your favorite memory so far as a member of the basketball team?


It is between playing in and hosting the NCAA tournament last year and going to Barbados over winter break my freshman year. Both were incredible experiences.

5) What are your goals for the rest of the season? Any personal goals?


Well we only have one game left and it is against Emory, who beat us pretty bad the first time we played them. I definitely want us to get the win against them.


Chtchekine is a member of 

the class of 2016.

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