UR President Joel Seligman has been reappointed in his current position. Seligman is “delighted by the reappointment.” He states that, “There are very few opportunities one can experience in life quite so meaningful as this.” Seligman has been University President since 2005. University Presidents serve indefinite terms at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees, and terms are typically renewed every five years. President Seligman’s last reappointment occurred in 2009-10.
Goals Seligman has set for the future include “further strengthening our University by completing many projects under way such as College Town, Golisano Children’s Hospital, and helping further new projects such as the Institute for Data Science.”
“This is a golden age of higher education,” Seligman stated, “Faculty and students have never been more talented.  The ultimate challenge in the next five years is to help galvanize the resources so that faculty and students can more fully achieve their potential.”
Seligman is grateful for the experiences he’s had. “[The most rewarding part of being President has been] …having the chance to work with so many extraordinary people, to reach out to so many extraordinary alumni and friends, and to teach.”

Schaffer is a member of the class of 2016.

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