1. On Monday, April 8, at 5:46 p.m., an undergraduate at the Eastman School of Music reported that his backpack was missing, UR Security Investigator Roger Keirsbilck said.
The student told officers he had left his backpack unattended for only a few minutes in the backstage area of Eastman Theatre.
He said he went to check on something, but when he returned the backpack was gone.
The student checked with staff and searched the area but could not locate the backpack.

Security officers evaded on Eastman campus

2. On Wednesday, April 10, at 11:35 a.m., staff at Eastman School of Music’s Main Hall reported a man wearing torn clothes and smelled of alcohol.
According to Keirsbilck, the man was exiting the building onto Gibbs Street when officers responded.
The man said that he was looking to apply for a job and needed to use the restroom. He was told that he could not be on the property without a legitimate reason.
The man then walked across the street and entered the Miller Center.
Officers again approached the man and told him that he needed to leave. He then reluctantly left the property.

Man caught trespassing
at River Campus

3. On Thursday, April 11, at 4:02 p.m., officers responded to reports of a suspicious man near Intercampus Drive adjacent  to the Robert B. Goergen Hall  for Biomedical Engineering and Optics.
Officers confirmed the man’s identity and learned that he had previously been banned from the property except in the case of a medical emergency, Keirsbilck said.
The Rochester Police Department was contacted and took the man into custody for trespassing.

Smoke triggers alarm in
Lattimore Hall

4. On Saturday, April 13, at 11:12 p.m., security officers and the Rochester Fire Department (RFD) responded to a smoke alarm in the attic area of Lattimore Hall where they found smoke and a burning odor.
Officers determined that a  malfunctioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit was the source of the smoke. RFD shut down the HVAC until facilities staff could respond to repair the unit.
The area was ventilated, and the alarm was reset. There were no injuries and no further damages, Keirsbilck said.

Remus is a member of
   the class of 2016.
Information provided
by UR Security.

The real loser of the debate? You

As the night progressed, it appeared that neither candidate would be offering anything substantive. Instead, both President Trump and Vice President Harris stuck to their talking points.

The future of student advocacy: reflecting on the encampment

It was Tuesday, May 14 when Rochester’s Gaza solidarity encampment was deconstructed by the Department of Public Safety.

Notes by Nadia: A feminist’s perspective on religion

The treatment of and the lack of women in the Bible — and the fact that all of the Bible accounts are written by men — has made it difficult for me to believe that the contents of the Bible are real. Therefore, it is nothing but folklore to me now.