If you’re looking for a subdued, generic brand of humor, you should steer clear of The Oatmeal. If you’re in the mood for a quirky, snarky style that manages to find a place for printers sent from hell, pelvic thrusting cats, and other such obscurities in its repertoire, the site (theoatmeal.com) is surely worth a visit. It is run by Matthew Inman, a comic artist who refers to himself as The Oatmeal on the site, which is most well known for its web comics. The site also includes humorous quizzes on absurd subjects such as “How many hungry weasels could your body feed?” and “How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor? as well as a blog and online store.

The comics range in topic from “When your house is burning down, you should brush your teeth” to “How to suck at your religion” to “Five reasons pigs are more awesome than you.” They are refreshing, honest and, all-around ridiculous in the most intelligent way possible. Some will keep you scrolling while others are quicker reads, but they all leave you wanting more. Or at least well-educated about whether or not your cat is plotting to kill you.

Goldin is a member of the class of 2013.

UR men’s basketball get their hearts broken on Valentine’s Day

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