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1. After listening to her voicemail messages on Monday, April 4 at 7:30 a.m., a staff member in Rush Rhees IT Management Services realized she had received a message from an unknown male caller.
According to UR Security Investigator Daniel Lafferty, it contained various inappropriate comments which alarmed the staff member.  A police report will be filed.

Hockey game takes a toll on students

2. Two students  required medical care during a hockey game in the Goergen Athletic Center on the evening of Sunday, April 3.
According to Lafferty, one student was struck in the head with a hockey stick and was evaluated by MERT, but refused further medical care.  The second student became ill while playing and was taken to the Strong Memorial Hospital emergency room for evaluation and care.

Unaffiliated individual banned at Eastman

3.  An individual who was not affiliated with the University was found wandering around the main hall of the Eastman School of Music on April 3 at 9:16 p.m. According to Lafferty, the individual was escorted off out of the facility and issued a ban form.

Cigarette smokes up trash can at Drama House

4.  After being called to the Drama House on April 3 at 7:31 p.m., officers located a smoking trash can on the lawn outside of the house.
According to Lafferty, it was quickly determined that the cause of the smoke was a cigarette that had been tossed in the can. The trash can was doused with water and no damages or injuries were incurred.

Items disappear in Rush Rhees

5.  While working in the IT Center in Rush Rhees Library on April 3, a student asked an unidentified individual working near him to watch his belongings, which included an iPod, clothing, notes and headphones between 1:30 and 3:50 p.m.
According to Lafferty, the individual told him he could only watch them for a couple of minutes. Upon returning, the student realized that his belongings, as well as the individual, were gone. A police report will be filed.

Laptop spirits on the move

6.  A student’s laptop and charger  were stolen on Thursday, March 31 between 1:50 and 4 p.m. from Hylan Building  by an unidentified individual. According to Lafferty, the items had been left in a secured classroom, which had no sign of forced entry.  A police report was will be filed.

Goldin is a member of
the class of 2013.
Information provided
by UR Security.

Washing machine woes: Tide Pods

There have been numerous reports of hardened and shriveled blue gel-plastic on clothes of all shapes and sizes, an ominous sign of a Tide Pod gone horribly wrong.

Community-engaged learning: how to improve UR

There is room for all students to learn first-hand from the city, regardless of major.

Valentine’s Day massacre for UR women’s hoops

UR led Brandeis in nearly every category in their victory, with Gress leading UR with 24 points and 12 assists.