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1. An individual was found at 10:30 p.m. on Friday, March 18 at the River Campus Facilities building by Security officers and police, yelling for someone to help him out of a fenced-in area.
According to UR Security Investigator Daniel Lafferty, the individual was relocated to the other side of the fence without injury. He claimed that he had initially jumped the fence to escape people who had threatened to kill him.  The individual was then driven home by the police.

Ankle demons make comeback at UR

2. A student injured their ankle while playing basketball in the  Georgen  Athletic  Center at 1:10 p.m. on Thursday, March 10. According to Lafferty, the student was transported to University Health Services.

Assistant coach removed from basketball game

3. An assistant coach of a youth basketball team  became distraught over certain calls made by officiating staff during a game in Goergen Athletic  Center on Wednesday, March 9 at 8:24 p.m.
According to Lafferty, the individual had been arguing with court officials when he was escorted outside the facility by Security officers. The individual was warned about his behavior without incident.

Print job cause for concern

4. Rush Rhees Library staff found a print job entitled “suicide note” on March 17 at 2:34 p.m.  It was quickly determined that the individual who created the print  job was an undergraduate student.
According to Lafferty, security officers located the student who was not harmed and admitted that the they had chosen this title as a joke.  The student apologized and said he had not anticipated such a response.  The Office of the Dean of Students was notified and subsequently met with the student.

Friendly visit goes awry

5. On Sunday, March 13 at 1:02 a.m. Security officers arrested Michael Quataert, 21, of Spencerport and Vincent Alonci, 20, of Rochester, neither of whom were affiliated with the University, on trespassing charges.
Security officers were tipped off  by a fourth floor resident of Chambers who claimed to have heard someone banging on their door, trying to gain access to the suite. One of the suspects was found beneath  Gale in the Hill Court tunnels and the other under Chambers. Both suspects were in possession of “non-traditional” knives, and one was found to have a smoking device and a substance suspected to be marijuana.
Both individuals were issued ban forms, taken into custody by the police and escorted off of University property.  It was eventually determined that they had been visiting a friend who lives in Gale.

Goldin is a member of
the class of 2013.
Information provided
by UR Security.

UHS introduces new cancellation and no-show policy

UHS recently introduced a $25 “no-show” fee for students that didn't cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours in advance of their appointments.

Bringing frills to the philharmonic: Drag queen Thorgy Thor and the Thorchestra come to Rochester

A drag queen and an orchestra walk into Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre. They all begin to play. 

Students’ Association condemns University’s handling of ‘wanted’ poster case

Three out of the four arrested students have been suspended from the University for two years and the other was expelled.