1. At 7:24 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 25, an undergraduate student reported that he was punched in the face two to three times while speaking with his ex-girlfriend in Rush Rhees Library. The suspect was identified as the ex-girlfriend’s current partner. The attack was said to be unprovoked.
According to UR Security Investigator Daniel Lafferty,  the victim was later transported to the hospital for evaluation, as he was complaining of pain and discomfort. The suspect was identified as a current graduate student. No police report has been filed at the moment, and the matter has been referred to the Dean of Students Office for further review.

Student cuts head on bed frame
2. A student residing in Hoeing Hall was sent by ambulance to the emergency department of Strong Memorial Hospital at 4:20 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 28 after sustaining a cut to his head. According  to Lafferty, the student struck his head on the metal bed frame of his loft-style bed as he stood up from his desk.

Whipping up a fire
3. At 12:03 p.m. on Monday,  Feb. 28, officers responded to the fire alarm in an apartment in Whipple Park. Upon arrival, they met with the resident who reported that cooking oil had caught fire. They replaced the lip on the pot to extinguish the fire and turned off the stove. Responding personnel from Brighton Fire Department ventilated the area and gave the all clear. According to Lafferty, the alarm was reset, and no damage was incurred.

Project turns bloody
4. A student residing in Susan B. Anthony Hall was transported by Security from the University Health Services building to the emergency department of Strong for care after cutting his hand with a knife. The victim was working on a project in his room.

Laptop stolen from Gilbert
5. At 11:18 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 25, a student in Gilbert Hall reported that his laptop had been stolen from the first floor lounge. The student left the laptop unattended in the lounge while he went to his room momentarily, only to discover it missing upon his return. No police report has been filed at this time.

“Studious” undergraduates prolong stay at library
6. The intrusion alarm at Rush Rhees Library was set off at 4:17 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 25, by two undergraduate students who were in the facility. Both claimed they were not aware that the facility had closed, and they were given a warning.
Lim is a member of
the class of 2014.
Information provided
by UR Security.

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