An esteemed award for young scientists, the CAREER Award, has been granted to two researchers, Professors Paul Ampadu and Justin Ramsey.

The National Science Foundation (NSF), which selects the recipients based on how innovative the proposals are and how well the proposals combine research and education, awarded this honor to the two UR professors.

Ampadu, who is an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the CAREER Award for his research in creating networks of heterogeneous technologies on a single chip.

For the next five years, Ampadu will receive $400,000 for his award, during which he will continue to work on network chips.

‘Paul’s research in networks-on-chip is an exciting area at the frontiers of electrical and computer engineering that surely will be important in future integrated circuits, especially those that combine a lot of different functions such as computing, communications, memory, signal processing and others,” Department chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mark Bocko said.

Ampadu will work on improving the crucial reliability problem of integrating deep nanometer CMOS and emerging nanoelectronic processors and memories onto a chip.

Outside of his research, Ampadu is active in numerous community outreach efforts that help guide underrepresented students in an effort to attract them to the field of engineering.

For his work in guiding students Ampadu received a national Black Engineer of the Year Special Recognition Award.

The other recipient of the CAREER Award, Ramsey, an assistant professor of biology, won the award for intertwining research of plant evolution with educational and community outreach efforts that pertain to the Rochester forest habitants.

As a part of his award, Ramsey will receive an $800,000 grant over the course of five years, which he will use to research the contributions of whole genome duplication to the evolution of reproductive obstacles in plants.

His educational and community efforts are specific to natural areas near Whipple Park in Brighton, which provides UR students with unique opportunities to engage in research that is within walking distance of campus.

‘Justin is one of our young leaders in ecology,” Department Chair of Biology Thomas Eickbush said. ‘Many students already gravitate to his laboratory to conduct independent studies. He discovered this priceless gem of a mature woodland in our backyard. He is leading the way to making these woods a valuable preserve for future generations of students.”

Ramsey’s work also includes molecular analysis, greenhouse studs and field experiments that further our understanding of how plants diverge into brand new species.
Additionally, Ramsey’s recognition for his research will help support students pursuing careers in the fields of education and suitability.

‘The Ramsey lab has been a magnet for those students interested in ecology, conservation and sustainability issues,” said Eickbush said. ‘The award will insure that there will be enough funds to support these students.”

Both Ampadu and Ramsey plan to use their winnings to further their research and provide students with additional learning opportunities.

Berkowitz is a member of the class of 2012.

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