Stephen Dilk is a senior art history and anthropology double major. Known for his amiable enthusiasm and retro 1950s spectacles, Steve may be found dwelling on the past with his professors, stage diving at a local hardcore punk show or redpointing routes on the local crag.

What led you to pursue a degree in both history and anthropology?

As a young undergraduate, I was drawn to the field of archaeology. I like the idea of working outside, traveling, investigating the lives of everyday people and, in a psuedo-detective style, putting clues together to reveal a larger social and cultural picture. While at UR, I discovered maritime archaeology and decided to pursue this as a career. Majoring in history and anthropology was the best option for me.

What have you done to further your study of archeology?

I took advantage of the few programs UR offers. My sophomore summer I participated in an introductory field school where we excavated a local 19th-century community. Later, I participated in a UR program in Arezzo, Italy, where we dug what was probably once a Roman dying facility. My junior year, I did an independent research with a rescue archaeology firm in Rochester, all the while attending scuba diving classes. Last summer, I excavated ship wrecks off the coast of North Carolina. Senior fall, I sailed the North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific. I learned such diverse skills as blacksmithing, sail handling and sailing small and large craft and sea chanteying.

Aside from your studies, how else do you spend your time?

Lately I’ve been rock climbing and enjoying Rochester’s independent music scene. I’ve been into local bands Sakes Alive! and my good friends the Polar Bear Club, who I plan to see opening for Third Eye Blind. I always find time to chill with my friends and play some tennis.

Any advice for undergraduates before you leave?

Stand up to the administration to the bitter end!

Descriptions on how Julie is indescribable

If one were to try and put the sentiments of this album into words, they might be fervor, disappointment, or longing. 

Recorded lectures should be available to all students

It is time for all professors to recognize that accessing class recordings is a fundamental component of our UR education.

Leslie Odom Jr.’s wonderful performance

Dressed in a sharp all black outfit, Leslie Odom Jr. performed under Eastman’s glistening chandelier on Friday evening.