With the all-too-sudden news that Campus Activities Board has decided not to sponsor Dandelion Day, students need to rise to action, both as individuals and as members of student groups, to ensure that D-Day is celebrated this year.

CAB’s reasoning was well-founded and they are right that the tradition has broken from its roots. D-Day has become a safety liability as students have proven to be irresponsible. CAB efficiently diverted money to bring bigger names to campus, and performances this semester have been wildly popular.

However, it is clear from these budgeting choices that CAB had been considering its decision earlier in the year, and the group should have made this announcement long before late February. By this point in the year, CAB has usually secured a band, and groups that are stepping up to plan an alternative activity are pushed for time and resources because of CAB’s delay.

Not holding a sponsored D-Day this year would be a poor choice. Many students have already pegged the last Saturday of April as a day of celebration, regardless of whether or not there will be official events. Without coordinated events, students will be more likely to stay in their rooms and drink, a far more dangerous scenario than one in which intoxicated students are brought outside so they can be supervised.

The problems boil down to coordination, funding and sober volunteers. Students’ Association President and junior Alvin Lomibao took the right first step Tuesday night by leading a meeting of student leaders, imploring them to come up with a collective answer. The students involved, the groups they lead and the fraternities and sororities should continue this process.

These groups should put together a concert, barbeque or sporting event that can provide structure to the day. Considering the lack of available funding, a Battle of the Bands or a concert featuring local talent would be sufficient entertainment. Groups also need to reach into their ranks and come up with at least 30 sober volunteers campus-wide, possibly by implementing a system of incentives.

Dandelion Day is a proud tradition on our campus, and the student body should collaborate in the next few weeks to organize a safe, eventful D-Day.

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