Cyclists were attacked in two separate incidents on Sunday while riding along South Plymouth Ave., according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The suspects are a group of four or five youths, also riding bicycles.

In the first incident, a visitor to campus accompanied by his 12-year-old daughter was riding on a roadside path at around 5 p.m. when he was struck in the back and arm by a tree branch held by one of the suspects.

The victim reported that the youths stopped after the attack and yelled at the victim and his daughter. The victim and his daughter were unresponsive due to deafness and the youths left the scene.

At 5:30 p.m., a graduate student reported a group of four or five youths riding on the path. As they passed, the student was knocked from his bike, according to Lafferty.

The victim yelled at the suspects, who left in a northbound direction.

Upon his return home, the graduate student discovered that his wallet was missing; however he believes it fell from his pocket when he fell to the ground.Wilson Blvd. harasser caught by UR SecurityA man who had been reported in last week’s Campus Times as harassing joggers along Wilson Blvd. was caught entering the River Campus last Tuesday, according to Lafferty.

After the two complaints to UR Security by students, officers set up a surveillance plan. An individual who fit the description of the suspect entered the target area around the same time of day as the previous incidents.

The man was identified and told officers that he was cutting through campus to visit family members in the hospital, according to Lafferty.

The man was then advised to stay off UR property.

Follow-up by UR Security showed that the man had a criminal record with the Rochester Police Department and was on probation after a previous felony.

The man’s probation officer was notified and the man was then arrested for violating the terms of his probation, according to Lafferty.

UR Security reports that there have been no further incidents.Students trade blows on Munro balconyUR Security officers responded to a fight in progress in Munro House on Saturday at 3:45 a.m., according to Lafferty.

Investigation of the scene revealed that the victim had been on the fourth floor balcony of Munro and the suspect had been verbally berating him from the second floor.

The victim reported that the suspect then came to the fourth floor suite and confronted him. The suspect then punched him in the face without provocation.

The victim then departed with three of his friends.Information provided by UR Security.

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