On Halloween night, the fraternity houses were transformed into haunted houses, and sixth graders from School 19, their parents and siblings were invited to go trick-or-treating. The event was organized by the Fraternity Presidents’ Council in cooperation with the Panhellenic Association and the Rochester Center for Community Leadership.

In preparation for the event, each sorority was assigned to a specific fraternity, with which collaborated to decorate the houses and provide candy for the children. The event lasted from 5:30 until 8 p.m., although for the most part, the visitors did not show up until later on in the evening.

Each fraternity house entertained trick-or-treaters in a different way. The Sigma Chi house was blanketed in fog from a smoke machine. The inside of the house featured a short walk-through area with strobe lights and a brother in an ape costume who jumped out at unsuspecting trick-or-treaters.

Inside Delta Upsilon the large lobby was decorated with a black light, spider webs and spooky music.

“At Sigma Alpha Mu we invited kids into the living room to play Halloween games,” SAM Prior and senior Steven Rockwell said. “In one game, we filled one bowl with spaghetti and tomato sauce and told them it was brains, then another bowl with grapes as eye balls and a third bowl with candy. The kids had a lot of fun.”

The children, whose ages ranged from three to 10, were accompanied by their older siblings and parents. They came over the footbridge, which was protected by UR Security.

The event did not attract as many children as was expected. Despite 400 personal invites and a front page article in the Oct. 31 Democrat and Chronicle, only five or six large groups and a few other children showed up.

“There wasn’t too much turnout from the town, but the people that did show up had a great time,” Panhellenic Association member and junior Kristy Doot said.

She was, however, optimistic about the future.

“We’re going to do more PR and try again next year,” Doot said.

Despite the low turnout, the fraternity brothers involved thought that the night was a success.

“This was a nice thing for the community,” SC brother and junior Nate Robbins said. “The kids were duly scared and then delightfully treated.”Wrobel is a member of the class of 2010.

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