Sophomore Yorda Yenenh came to Rochester from the Biggest Little City in the World, Reno, Nev., where she lives with her mother, her sister and her new nephew, Matthew. During high school, she first developed an interest in political science, which is now her major.

“I was always interested in the material covered in my AP Government class,” Yenenh said. “When I started reading my political science books instead of doing my Webwork or my labs, I realized poli sci was for me.”

Yorda is involved with a wide range of activities on campus. She is an orientation leader for the class of 2010, a member of class council, a head student volunteer for Meliora Weekend and a member of Kappa Delta sorority.

What attracted you to the University of Rochester?

“I knew that I wanted to go to college on the east coast and, after visiting UR, I realized that the size, shape and basically everything about this campus was perfect for me. Perfect enough for an early decision application. I honestly cannot imagine myself anywhere else.”

What encouraged you to participate in all these activities? What have you gained from them?

“I love Class Council because it gives me the opportunity to not only give something back to the class of 2009 but also to meet new people and make connections every day. Orientation was something that I really wanted to be involved in because I know what a huge, important experience the first week at college is. I can still remember the person who came up to my car in Park Lot on move-in day (Jessie Brandeis ’06). Meliora Weekend volunteer planning is great because it basically just consists of me roping in my friends and their friends to help out during the weekend. Alumni weekend is honestly one of the best times of the year to be meeting people and networking to the fullest. Kappa Delta Sorority is an amazing group that I am honored to be part of. Besides the genuine friendships that I have made through KD, I am introduced to new and exciting things and people everyday through the connections that I have made with my sisters.”

What is your dream job?

“A campaign manager of some sort or a lobbyist.”

What’s your favorite thing to do in Rochester?

“I love Park Ave. It’s so cute and small, yet packed with tons of places to eat, shop or just hang out.”

What’s the last good book you read?

“‘The World According to Garp’ by John Irving. It was recommended to me by a good friend and I basically can’t praise it enough. John Irving is amazing! I’m about to start reading ‘A Prayer for Owen Meany,’ which is another one of his bestsellers and I honestly cannot wait.”

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