Alcohol article deemed invasive in students’ lives

I found the article written by Jeff Klein in last week’s Campus Times regarding the campus alcohol policy to be fairly silly – indicative of the puritan nature of many Americans.

Why does it matter how many students were busted for alcohol consumption last year? Why also does it matter how many were not?

If students choose to spend their money and their time drinking alcohol, how does it affect others? The students are only hurting themselves, and complaining about the amount of drinking on campus is akin to complaining about people who study all day – what makes it anyone’s business but their own?

If you want to take a good look at the alcohol policy on campus, ask this question – why are we wasting tuition money busting underage drinking?!

-Michael NewmarkClass of 2005

Disrespectful actions hinder future programming

The 2006 Class Council is an organization committed to providing social activities and events for the Class of 2006 and the greater campus community.

As not only a programming body, but also as representatives of the senior class we would like to express our concern over disciplinary incidents occurring at our most recent Senior Night. We are disappointed at the conduct of certain individuals acting outside what we recognize as responsible behavior of campus community members.

The failure to respect campus resources and fellow students jeopardizes our ability as a council to continue to sponsor these fun events. It is our collective responsibility as a student body to establish standards of behavior and respect on our own campus and in the larger Rochester community.

We are excited that many members of the student body have participated in these social events, and are strongly committed to continuing such programs throughout the year.

Please help us in this goal, and be mindful of your actions as well as the actions of your friends and peers. We would like to encourage the student body to act responsibly and value the property and individuals that make these events possible. Thank you in advance for your dedication to this goal.

-Emily Augustine2006 Class Council President

4 Nations Face Off tournament cements another Canadian victory on the international stage

In the end, it only took 8:18 of overtime for the game to end, won by Canada on a wrister by McDavid. Those watching McDavid score his “Golden Goal,” couldn’t help but be reminded of when Crosby scored his own golden goal in overtime of a US-Canada matchup in 2010, cementing his status as an NHL legend.

Dressing classy and cozy during the Rochester winter: A style guide

This article will be your guide to Rochester winters, providing tried and true methods that still allow your style to shine brighter than your SAD lamp.

The Sex & The CT’s official college grooming guide

Anonymous 20-year-old bisexual demigirl asks: “How to shave vagina without horrendous razor burn?”