President Seligman held his first town hall meeting for The College, an event he plans for every semester to stay in touch with students, faculty and staff. This event demonstrates his desire to immediately follow up on a promise he set down in his inaugural address – improve communication between administrators and students.

Students need to take advantage of this opportunity to voice their concerns. He provides them with an outlet to take everyday complaints, questions, and concerns – from food quality to community relations to the discrimination policy – to a policymaker. Although there were many in attendance, the turnout was mainly limited to student government and political action group members. However, individual students should recognize this as an opportunity to respectfully speak their minds and have leadership listen. Seligman provided informed responses to nearly every question, and assured students he would get back to them on questions he could not fully answer – he made this meeting a worthwhile event for students.

Additionally, this event gives students a direct view of administration. They were brought closer to UR leaders who felt disconnected and isolated in the past, creating trust between the two parties through simple open dialogue. In his first public forum with students, it was refreshing to see the president honest, straight-forward and serious with students. He thoroughly answered a variety of questions, spoke to audience as equals, and demonstrated focus and wide ranging knowledge even without a planned speech. Seligman effectively and honestly addressed politically sensitive subjects – namely tuition increases, stem cell research and sweat-shop labor – proving he has the courage not shy away from issues others may disagree with.

In addition, this meeting allowed students to see a leader accountable for their job. Seligman does not marginalize issues on the minds of students and went so far as to encourage students to e-mail him. He demonstrated a genuine concern for students’ opinions and provided clear and honest answers to questions.

Flirting with your hiring managers

If you’d allow me the pleasure of gracing the hallowed halls of your esteemed company, it would endear me greatly.

Conversations can’t happen in empty rooms. Join us.

It can be uncomfortable and deeply frustrating to hear people say things about these sensitive topics that feel inaccurate, unacceptable, and sometimes hurtful.

Teddy’s Travels: Ithaca, NY

Obviously, every ‘Teddy’s Travels’ needs adventure, and after our unremarkable stay in Ithaca, I began to wonder if perhaps we would break the streak.