CHEERS to Aramark and Dining Services for instituting a refillable mug program. Allowing students to refill their own cups at a reduced price saves students money and reduces waste. This action coincides with UR’s commitment to increased sustainability.

CHEERS to the College Center for Academic Support, Information Technology Services and Registrar for running a smooth and efficient online registration process this semester.

CHEERS to the Student Activities Office for scheduling busses to transport students to the men’s and women’s soccer tournaments located off campus. Providing transportation befits the high level of play that they exhibited this past season.

CHEERS to the Students for Social Justice for their high level of activism, contradicting the pattern of student apathy prevalent in college life. JEERS to SSJ for their overtly theatrical demonstrations, which often are counterproductive toward the goal of stimulating debate on campus.

JEERS to the Students’ Association Senate for lagging behind on updating its Web site. The senate should put greater precedence on informing students about their activity.

JEERS for slow implementation of a campus wide wireless network. This resource should be given greater priority due to the significant number of students with laptops.

JEERS for the increased cost of printing and copying. Especially since it was once a free service, there is little reason for this increase to occur. Additional JEERS to removing the discount for double-sided printing, removing the incentive to save paper.

Please stop messing with my pants

It started off with small things. One morning, the cuffs of my pants were slightly shorter, almost imperceptibly so.

Whatever happened to the dormitories of yesteryear?

Two images come to mind: One is of cinder block-walled rooms hidden behind brutalist edifices, and the other is of air-conditioned suites bathed in natural light.

Students’ Association passes resolution on administration’s response to “wanted” posters, demands charges dropped

On Monday evenings, the Gowen Room is usually nearly empty aside from the senators at the weekly Students’ Association Senate meeting. But on Nov. 18, nearly every seat was filled.