While most students left Rochester for last week’s spring recess, more students stayed on campus for at least some part of the week than in past years.

During this academic year, ARAMARK and Dining Services have made several improvements to their school break operations, especially in regard to notifying students about differing hours. However, the changes themselves present problems for students

During fall break weekend, students had difficulty finding what food options were available to them at what times. In anticipation of spring recess, the hours of operation for dining halls and the Athletic Center were sent to all students in the form of the newly created UR Weekend Events Bulletins. Students who stayed on campus found signs at the entrances of closed buildings, advertising the different hours for all dining locations.

While the weekday hours of operations were acceptable, many students found options too limited on the Saturday and Sunday before classes resumed.

The Athletic Center was open for four hours during the weekdays but was closed on the weekend. This schedule may have been convenient for UR employees, but not for students. Many students returned to campus on these two days and found the spring break hours inconvenient. For instance, the Pit was not open until 2 p.m. on Sunday, leaving the only morning dining option as the Danforth Dining Center, restricting those students without club meal plans.

Campus service providers need to reevaluate their services during breaks to benefit the increasing number of students choosing to stay on campus.

Understandably, campus employees should have a break, but as a residential campus, students should be able to stay on campus without feeling inconvenienced.

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