Amy Nguyen ’08


Ray Finocchio ’06

“‘Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?’ by Boy George because it stirs up deep emotions in me.”

Andrea Marron ’08

“‘I Think We’re Alone Now’ by Tiffany.”

Willy Drelles ’07

“There are so many! Uhh…’Don’t You Want Me’ by the Human League.”

Pilar Saladores ’06

“‘Jessie’s Girl’ by Rick Springfield because it’s got a good beat.”

David Nesselhauf ’08

“‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson because the video was very impacting on society.”

Washing machine woes: Tide Pods

There have been numerous reports of hardened and shriveled blue gel-plastic on clothes of all shapes and sizes, an ominous sign of a Tide Pod gone horribly wrong.

Plutzik reading series returns hosting Gabriel Bump

Reading from his forthcoming novel, Bump gave voice to a man pondering his upbringing and parental figures. 

An expanding major: A spotlight on Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Senior Michael Hazard, one of the inaugural students of the University's PPE major, attended a national conference for his research in early February.