Think that Douglass Food Court, Danforth Dining Center and the Pit are the only places on campus to get food?Wrong! Try this easy recipe in your kitchenette and make your stomach happy.PBJ French ToastAll the ingredients in this recipe are available at the Corner Store

Yields 4 servings, 2 sandwich halves each

Ingredients:8 slices bread, type of your choice cup of peanut butter3 sablespoons strawberry jam2 eggs2 tablespoons milk2-1/2 cups Post Honey Bunches of Oats cereal, crushed2 cups sliced fruit, such as strawberries or bananas1 tablespoon sifted powdered sugar cup maple syrupBaking sheet

Preparation:Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread 4 bread slices with 1 tablespoons peanut butter and about 2 tablespoons jam. Cover the 4 slices with the rest of the bread.Break the eggs into a shallow dish, add milk and beat with a whisk for 30 seconds. Pour crushed cereal into a pie plate. Dip each sandwich into the egg mixture then the cereal to evenly coat each side of the bread. Place all of the sandwiches on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cut sandwich diagonally and serve with powdered sugar and syrup.

This recipe came from

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