Race views skewedI’m really sick of this poor little white boy crap. By some biological fluke of chromosomes and through nothing done to merit it, you, as a white male, were handed an advantage in life. And you’re complaining because there’s affirmative action for people who’ve been abused and oppressed for centuries? Interesting how it’s only a problem when it’s happening to you. No one’s asking for the right to own you. No one’s expecting to be able to beat and rape you without any consequences. You just have a head start in the race, and it’s time someone else got a turn. I resent the implication that the only reason I’m here is because I’m female. I didn’t pay less than you did. In fact, I probably paid more for defying stereotypes and persevering despite living in a world dominated by men. The majority of the people who make the laws and run the country are white males. You don’t have to worry about them not letting you have control over your own uterus.You don’t have to worry that their policies will take away any of your rights – unless you’re a homosexual, atheist, etc. So, those of you who think being a white male has made your life so incredibly difficult? Suck. It. Up.The politeness and factual basis of what I just said are irrelevant. The fact remains that I have a right to say it. And you have a right to disagree with me. That’s right. After all that ranting, the hardcore liberal, pro-choice, anti-Republican female actually supports the AA bake sale. Interestingly enough, the applicable quote for this situation is often misattributed to a white male – “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” – Evelyn Hall-nicole dobrowolski Class of 2005

Current policy wrongAfter reading Jim Johnson’s letter/article “Republican bake sale curtails our rights,” I sat back and thought – what was the point he was trying to get across? Did he want the administration to come down on the College Republicans? Was it a call to arms to have the students rise up and oppose the College Republicans, chasing them out of town? Well, what I realized is that it was essentially an article saying, the College Republicans hurt a lot of people’s feelings and that was wrong. That the College Republicans were insensitive and should be looked down upon by the student body, and please, readers, write to say you agree with me. Well, after reading the article, I feel I cannot.Johnson’s main point was that the College Republicans forced minority students to have to justify their right to be here. That they were relegated to second class citizen status because the Republicans pointed out that affirmative action exists.Let’s look at what affirmative action really says. It says, you, you minority students, are too stupid to compete with white people, you aren’t smart enough so we need to give you a leg up. Now if you weren’t offended by that last sentence you have serious racial tolerance issues. But this is what affirmative action is, it’s a horribly racist policy that further separates the races rather than bring them together. It is in direct opposition of the values of togetherness and diversity that Johnson seems to hold in such high esteem. If you are a minority student you are forced to have to deal with questions of your ability, because of affirmative action, no matter how much we pretend that minority students don’t have to.Essentially Johnson’s article was a complaint, a complaint that the College Republicans pointed out the truth. That the fantasy world that many affirmative action supporters try to uphold, that affirmative action creates a level playing field, rather than the exact opposite, was shattered by this in-your-face bake sale. Just because you pretend something is true, doesn’t make it true. The truth is if you really support equality, fairness and diversity, you’d oppose something as horribly racist as affirmative action.-Stephen goldbergerClass of 2006

Fellowships ampleI am glad to have an opportunity to reply to Mr. Madhur and let readers know that there are indeed a range of generous, privately funded fellowships for which many international students are eligible. To name a few – Gates Cambridge, for 1-3 years of study at Cambridge, Jack Kent Cooke, up to $50,000 for up to six years of study anywhere, Institute for Humane Studies, $12,000 for study anywhere, Rotary International, up to $25,000 for international study, Josephine de Karman, $16,000 for study in the United States, New York Women in Communications, $10,000, USA Today, $2,500, and even the highly coveted Rhodes – for both U.S. as well as certain non-U.S. citizens.Like many national governments, the United States reserves certain kinds of educational funding for its own citizens and permanent residents. It would be hard to find a program more open-minded than the federally sponsored Fulbright, which not only sends approximately 1,000 U.S. citizens annually to almost 150 countries worldwide for advanced study, research and cultural exchange, but also funds international scholars to come do the same at institutions across the United States. Some of these scholars can be found among UR’s graduate students and faculty. Anyone, including international students, wishing to learn more about competitive fellowships can link to the programs’ Internet sites from the UR fellowships page – http://www.rochester.edu/College/CCAS/fellowships.html.-Belinda s. reddenFellowships CoordinatorCollege Center for Academic Support

Masked protesters disrupt Boar’s Head, protest charges against students

Protesters gathered in front of the Highe Table and urged the University to drop the criminal charges against the four students recently charged with second-degree criminal mischief, saying that the University’s response is disproportionate compared to other bias-related incident reports.

On the Students’ Association resolution

This SA resolution is simply another way to follow the masses by expressing their dismay for Israel and standing in solidarity with the radical Palestinian people.

Christmas has gone too far

People should look to other cultures to learn the truth of the cliche that holidays are about more than just gifts.