Due to controversy sparked by a “bake sale” held by the College Republicans, the Black Students Union, with Dean of Students Jody Asbury, an open forum will be held to discuss issues surrounding affirmative action on the UR campus. The event, which is scheduled for Tuesday, April 13th will feature representatives from campus organizations and is open to the public.A planning meeting to discuss the structure of the forum will be held this Friday, at 1 p.m. in Morey 310. Any organization interested in participating in the forum should come to this Friday’s meeting and/or contact Brenda Myrthil, the Assistant Director of Wilson Commons Student Activities.The “bake sale” which has brought this issue to the foreground of campus news took place on March 19 in the Havens Lounge of Wilson Commons. The College Republicans sold various sweets such as Oreos and moon pies for a discounted rate if you were a minority or a woman, with the highest prices being charged to Asian males.An event that was clearly meant to spark controversy succeeded not only in doing that, but also offending many constituents of this school.”The Campus Republicans’ bake sale was indeed a threat to me and the advancement of many others here at UR and will have a great impact on those students to come,” junior Nianda Clouden said in a letter she wrote to President Jackson. “If such intensely distasteful activities are allowed to continue in the future on this campus, there will be immense repercussions as far as students of color feeling welcomed on this campus, which will in turn hinder their performance academically as a result of a campus that serves only to scrutinize and segregate them.”Holding a forum on this matter will hopefully provide a place where people can air their opinions in a thoughtful manner. BSU desires to create a forum where the issues raised by the College Republicans can be discussed and understood. They are setting up a forum where people can compare opinions, and come away with some new understandings of the complex issues surrounding affirmative action.”It is our hope that we can begin to break down some of the stereotypes that exist about affirmative action while also educating students about the importance of diversity,” freshman educational and political chair of the BSU, Marquis Harrison said. “It’s very important that we give everyone a forum to have a proper discussion without offending any group of people.”The Educational and Responsive Affirmative Action Forum will be held on Tuesday, April 13 from 7:30-10:30 p.m. in Morey 321. Everyone is encouraged to attend and to do their part towards achieving a more conscientious community.Goldner can be reached at bgoldner@campustimes.org.

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