Simon School wins award for excellenceThe William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration was recently honored by the 19th annual Admissions Advertising Awards for excellence in publications. The school’s 2003-2005 Management Programs catalog and the CD-ROM “At Simon, Thinkers Become Leaders!” both won gold awards, while the printed announcement of Dean Mark Zupan’s appointment to office and the brochure “Simon at a Glance” both won silver awards. “We feel very honored for the school and appreciative of the effort the staff had to put into creating the publication,” Zupan said.The Simon School was also recognized at a different awards ceremony, the Service Industry Advertising Awards, for the programs catalog, which again won the gold prize, and for the “At Simon, Thinkers Become Leaders!” CD-ROM and “Simon at a Glance” brochure, which were both honored with awards of merit.Zupan said that the credit for the school’s success is due to Dawn McWilliams, who leads the marketing and communications group, but he added she would give the whole team credit.As for UR undergraduates, many were unaware of the Simon School’s nationally recognized achievements.”Wow, I had no idea they won anything,” Jenny Richter, a senior and Political Science major, said.Other students seemed even less concerned. When asked if she was aware of the awards, senior Sonia Maksimovich responded, “No, I don’t care. In a couple months I’m out of here.”Regardless, the awards are quite an achievement, and the Simon School is proud of the accomplishment.”The awards will help spread positive word on the street, among prospective students, companies, alums and friends,” Zupan said. “They also set the bar higher for the next time around.”

Committee appointed to evaluate D-DayAfter much question as to the survival of the campus tradition, the Office of the Dean of Students announced that Dandelion Day will be celebrated this year. “It was not on the official calendar this year in anticipation of being evaluated,” Dean of Students Jody Asbury said. “To do that, we created a committee of alums, students and faculty to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the day.”In late March the group will issue a detailed set of guidelines, according to Asbury. The Campus Activity Board, which traditionally plans the event, has been given simple guidelines as a starting point. “[CAB] has been working with [our guidelines],” Asbury said. Those guidelines include increasing the number of student groups involved, making all programs highly visible, and increasing the event’s communal atmosphere and safety. “We’ve been asking other student groups if they want any involvement,” junior Anna Lessenger, a member of CAB and the D-Day committee, said. “We’re trying to change the atmosphere to make this year a safer event by centering it more around the picnic and the music.””CAB has carried the burden for too long,” Asbury said. “We want to increase other groups’ [involvement] so it’s not on the shoulders of CAB, and we also want to see less closed door activity.” Despite the changes, some aspects of the day will remain the same. As in every year, CAB will have $27,000 to fund the D-Day’s activities.”If our current plans are approved – if – it’ll be on Saturday, April 24,” Lessenger said.Reporting by Ted Elton, Alissa Miller and Cyrus Levesque.

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