Textbooks stolen from Susan B. Anthony HallAn unidentified suspect entered a room in Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls sometime between Feb. 2 and Feb. 4 and stole three physics textbooks.The books are valued at $280, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.There were no signs of forced entry in the room, and the student told security that he does not normally lock his room door when he is still in the building.No report was filed with the Rochester Police Department, according to security.

Smoke found in Lattimore HallA staff member smelled smoke and noticed haze in the air after 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 5 in Lattimore Hall.UR Security officers discovered that there was smoke on multiple floors of the building, and pulled a fire alarm to evacuate the building, according to Lafferty.The Rochester Fire Department responded to the scene, and found that burnt-out bearings in an air handler caused the odor and smoke.Facilities staff has began repairing the air handler and no one was injured as a result of this incident, according to UR Security.Clothes stolen from room in ValentineRoughly $940 dollars worth of clothes were stolen from a room in Valentine. The loss was reported at 7:45 pm on Feb. 9. The room had been left unsecured, according to UR Security Investigator Lafferty. UR security is currently investigating.

Card reader, door handle stolenA student aid discovered that someone had tampered with the card reader on the door to Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls near Spurrier Gymnasium. The reader was partially torn from the wall and the wiring was disconnected, but was able to be repaired.A student noticed on Feb. 11 before 2:30 a.m. that not only was the card reader missing, but the door handle, as well.The facilities staff was notified to begin replacement and repairs to the door.

Unknown person found in Sigma ChiA student in Sigma Chi awoke before 4 a.m. on Feb. 11 to discover an unidentified suspect looking into his room. The student approached the suspect, who said that he was looking for a particular person, according to UR Security. The suspect was told that no one by that name lived in the house, and was escorted out of the house. UR Security officers were unable to locate the suspect and there was nothing reported missing or disturbed in the house, according to Lafferty. Information provided by UR securitySchnee can be reached at cschnee@campustimes.org.

Delving into the minds mixing Mr. Brightside and Taylor Swift

When it comes to music choice, Lee makes an effort to include modern, electronic, and requested genres in addition to the "10 songs on everybody's frat rotation."

Descriptions on how Julie is indescribable

If one were to try and put the sentiments of this album into words, they might be fervor, disappointment, or longing. 

Behind the scenes of dorm-made kombucha, Komboochie

Since last winter, Humphrey has been making, selling, and distributing her very own dorm–made kombucha.